Thursday, September 3, 2020

How did segregation, political machines, trusts, and immigration Essay

How did isolation, political machines, trusts, and movement sway America from the finish of Reconstruction through the Prog - Essay Example Most of the Progressives bolstered the Prohibition development as it was seen equivalent to sabotaging the nearby boss’ political force in cantinas. (Timberlake, 1970) This period additionally concurs with the advancement of women’s testimonial so as to bring the â€Å"purer† female based vote into the political field. (Southern, 1968) The Progressive development is likewise better known for its accentuation on upgrading effectiveness in all areas. This change was realized in huge part by distinguishing more seasoned work systems which were along these lines modernized by advancing logical techniques. The political change of the Progressive development was driven by a wide range of individuals. The parts of nearby government, medication, money, training, industry, places of worship, railways, protection and various different zones were transformed. The Progressive development is especially prominent for acquainting the sociologies with the simply logical strategy and afterward creating them in like manner. The fields of political theory, history and financial aspects can be viewed as significant sponsors of the Progressive change developments.

Importance of Critical Thinking

It was Francis Bacon who said â€Å"knowledge is power† and in fact it is. We as a whole need to know, to pick up information. That’s why we go to class for an enormous part of our lives, why we read, watch and tune in to everything we can when we are conscious and now and again in any event, when we are sleeping. Be that as it may, what precisely is information? While there isn’t a solitary standard definition, the most established acknowledged definition was given by acclaimed thinker Plato; â€Å"Justified genuine conviction. † The quest for information I characterize as exploration. So how can one arrive at the objective of achieving this defended genuine belief?I propose the utilization of basic intuition abilities as a way keeping that in mind. Linda Elder characterizes basic speculation as follows; â€Å"Critical believing is independently directed, self-restrained reasoning which endeavors to reason at the most significant level of value in an imp artial manner. † That is, a strategy for intuition created by an individual that would permit this individual to reason at the summit of his/her insight, unbiasedly. Basic reasoning is a significant mechanical assembly in looking for information as it tends to issues like consistency, inclination and partiality.As people we are normally narrow minded. The expression â€Å"looking out for number one† rings a bell. The fact of the matter is that we need for ourselves. Thus in looking for information on a specific topic, we will in general think about just the proof that suits our feeling, which bolsters our position on the issue. Basic reasoning necessitates that we move past our inclinations and look at all of proof with sound rationale, so as to after a goal examination, come to a reasonable end result. Additionally, when we do investigate, our discoveries are frequently fractional or incomplete.With the use of basic reasoning abilities we would beat that impediment as speculation basically expects us to unite and assess all the vital data. So we would not just survey the geniuses as it identifies with something, yet additionally the cons. Nor would we examine one party’s see and disregard the resistance. Everything important would be evaluated, making our interest total. In conclusion, the possibility of consistency. Organization and request are significant in directing examination. We should have the option to see a continuum or grouping in our methodology.Critical believing is a procedure, along these lines there are stages included, for example, assessment and derivation. Our contemplations would not be confused nor would our thoughts appear to be dissipated and arbitrary as may be the situation when we don’t burrow further underneath the outside of an idea and reason on a higher plain. The use of basic reasoning aptitudes would without a doubt bring about rationality. To finish up, the significance of basic intuition as an instr ument in the quest for information can't be denied as our typical method of thinking is harmed and it is the perfect device for the fix. â€Å"Those who realize how to think need no instructors. †-Mahatma Gandhi.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

English Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English Class - Essay Example In a conventional instructive arrangement, the dynamic force exclusively rests with the educator. At the point when the understudies are not permitted their sufficient portion of dynamic, they become a greater amount of articles as opposed to cognizant people with systematic and evaluative faculties. (Freire) has distinguished two fundamental sorts of instructive ideas, to be specific the financial training and the issue presenting instruction, and has talked about the characteristics of both. The financial training is the run of the mill academic methodology where the educators are in control and the understudies are subjugated. In the tests, children’s memory is checked as opposed to their explanatory abilities. The issue presenting idea is on the opposite finish of the scale. In the issue presenting instructive idea, the instructor is consistently intellectual and never account. The educator embraces an intelligent methodology and teaches his own appearance in those of the understudies. In this arrangement of instruction, neither the instructor nor the understudies normalize the ideas. To them, reality continues changing thus do the ideas. What is the banking framework of training? This is an arrangement of instruction where the instructor and understudies don't commonly apply intellectually to understand reality, yet the expected truth is taken care of into the understudies by the educator. The educator is in every case right! The instructor readies the exercise heretofore and makes the introduction in the class.

Pаul Krugmаns Fоr Richеr

Pð °ul Krugmð °ns Fð ¾r Richð µr Free Online Research Papers Th? study ?f th? p?litic?l ?c?n?my ?f ?m?ric? in th? r?c?nt yrs h?s br?ught ?b?ut c?ntr?dict?ry inf?r?nc?s, h?w?v?r ? c?mm?n thrd th?t wv?s thr?ugh th? p?litic?l ?c?n?mics lit?r?tur? is th?t th? rich ?r? g?tting rich?r f?st?r th?n th? pr ?r? g?tting rich?r. P?ul Krugm?n, pr?f?ss?r ?f ?c?n?mics ?t th? Univ?rsity ?f Princ?t?n ?nd th? m?st c?ntr?v?rsi?l p?litic?l ?c?n?mist in ?m?ric? during th?s? yrs, h?s ?ddr?ss?d this hyp?th?sis in ? h?st ?f ?rticl?s in his m?ny bks, n?wsp?p?r ?nd m?g?zin? ?rticl?s ?t ?l. In F?r Rich?r, th? first ?ss?y in ? N?w Y?rk Tim?s s?ri?s ?n cl?ss ?nd cl?ss w?rs in th? Unit?d St?t?s, P?ul Krugm?n invit?s th? rd?r’s ?tt?nti?n t? issu?s th?t th? lib?rt?ri?n ?c?n?mists ?ft?n ign?r? ?r f?il t? r?c?gniz? in th?ir disc?urs?s. H? pr?cl?ims th? dis?ppr?nc? ?f th? middl? cl?ss, illustr?t?s th? incrsing pr?bl?ms ?f inc?m? in?qu?lity ?nd plut?cr?cy, ?nd ?x?min?s th? ?ff?rts by ?c?n?mists ?s w?ll ?s g?v?rnm?nt instituti?ns t? c?ncl cl?ss c?mp?siti?n utilizing st?tistic?l d?t?. Th? moving p?r?digms ?f c?rp?r?t? ?x?cutiv? ?thics ?nd influ?nc? is y?t ?n?th?r t?pic discuss?d in th? ?ss?y. (Krugm?n, 2002) Whil? Krugm?n’s s?urc?s m?y b? limit?d ?nd ?v?n d?b?t?d, it p?ints t? c?rt?in ?ss?nti?l ?nd cruci?l s?ci?- p?litic?l ?nd ?c?n?mic issu?s pl?guing th? ?m?ric?n s?ci?ty. Th?t th? ?m?ric?ns ?r? pr?s?ntly living in ? n?w Gild?d ?g?, which is ?s ?xtr?v?g?nt ?s th? ?rigin?l, however with ? g?p b?twn th? v?ry rich ?nd th? r?st wid?ning f?st?r th?n ?v?r. Wh?t?v?r b? th? ?ll?g?ti?ns ?n P?ul Krugm?n, it is imp?rt?nt th?t th? issu?s ?r? ?ddr?ss?d ?nd ?ppr?pri?t? msur?s id?ntifi?d f?r th? citiz?ns ?nd g?v?rnm?nt t? ch?ng? th? troublesome st?t? ?f things. Krugm?n’s ?n?lysis ?nd ?d?m Smith’s C?nc?pts ?f S?lf-int?r?st ?nd â€Å" Invisibl? H?nd† ?s Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?ns ?r? ?ss?nti?lly f?cus?d ?n th? individu?l’s grd ?nd s?lf-int?r?st in th? c?pit?list s?ci?ty th?t ?m?ric? is it true that it is, w?uld b? w?rthwhil? t? r?l?t? th?s? ?bs?rv?ti?ns with th?s? ?f ?d?m Smith, th? eighteenth c?ntury phil?s?ph?r ?c?n?mist wh? wr?t? Th? Wlth ?f N?ti?ns, ? t?ur d? f?rc? ?n th? thry ?f c?pit?lism intr?ducing th? c?nc?pt ?f th? â€Å"invisibl? h?nd† th?t lds c?pit?list s?ci?ti?s t? ?c?n?mic ?ffici?ncy. Whil? ?d?m Smith b?li?v?d grtly in th? inherent w?rth ?f th? c?pit?lism ?nd s?- c?ll?d â€Å"invisibl? h?nd† ?f th? m?rk?t, h? c?uld f?r?s th? s?lf-int?r?st?d b?h?vi?r ?f busin?ssm?n. ?cc?rding t? Smith, m?ximizing s?lf-int?r?st w?s ? ‘r?ti?n?l’ b?h?vi?r in ?c?n?mics. His ?ft?n qu?t?d ?bs?rv?ti?n fr?m Th? Wlth ?f N?ti?ns : ‘ppl? ?f th? s?m? tr?d? s?ld?m mt t?g?th?r, ?v?n f?r m?rrim?nt ?nd div?rsi?n, yet th? c?nv?rs?ti?n ?nds in ? c?nspir?cy ?g?inst th? open, ?r in s?m? c?ntriv?nc? t? r?is? pr ic?s’ †suggest th?t th? busin?ssm?n ?r? ?lw?ys c?nc?rn?d ?f m?king th?ms?lv?s rich?r, ?v?n if its by h?rming th?ir f?ll?w citiz?ns ?nd th?ir n?ti?n. P?ul Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?n ?n c?rp?r?t? ?x?cutiv? ?thics ?nd th? st?tistic?l d?t? th?t h? pr?s?nts ?n th? c?nc?ntr?ti?n ?f wlth in ? f?w h?nds in â€Å" F?r Rich?r† f?lls in lin? with ?d?m Smith’s d?scripti?n ?f th? c?pit?list syst?m, which is ?ss?nti?lly pr?p?ll?d by th? s?lf-int?r?st?d b?h?vi?r ?f th? busin?ssm?n. H?w?v?r, ? m?in ?rgum?nt in Th? Wlth ?f N?ti?ns is th?t th? fr c?pit?list m?rk?t, th?ugh smingly chtic ?nd unc?ntr?ll?d, is in rlity str?d t? pr?duc? th? right qu?ntity ?nd r?ng? ?f gds by ? s?- c?ll?d â€Å"invisibl? h?nd.† ?cc?rding t? his thry, in th? ?v?nt ?f ? pr?duct sh?rt?g?, its pric? ris?s, which crt?s th? m?tiv?ti?n f?r its incrs?d pr?ducti?n, in this manner restoring th? sh?rt?g? ultim?t?ly. Th? ‘invisibl? h?nd’ n?t ?nly guid?s pr?ducti?n, however ?ls? guid?s th? pric? ?f th? pr?duct in ? c?mp?titiv? c?pit?list syst?m. Th? incrs?d c?mp?titi?n ?m?ng m?nuf?ctur?rs ?nd th? incrs?d flexibly w?uld ?v?ntu?lly l?w?r th? pric? ?f th? pr?duct t? its pr?ducti?n c?st, which h? t?rm?d th? â€Å"n?tur?l pric?.† N?n?th?l?ss, Smith w?s c?uti?us ?f th? s?lf-int?r?st ?f busin?ssm?n ?nd insist?d ?g?inst th? f?rm?ti?n ?f m?n?p?li?s. Smith h?ld th?t whil? hum?n m?tiv?s ?r? ?ft?n s?lfish ?nd grdy, th? c?mp?titi?n in th? fr m?rk?t w?uld t?nd t? b?n?fit s?ci?ty ?s ? wh?l? ?nyw?y. Krugm?n’s ?n?lysis ?nd D? T?cqu?vill?’s ‘S?lf-Int?r?st Pr?p?rly Und?rstd’ ?l?xis d? T?cqu?vill? in his bk D?m?cr?cy in ?m?ric? ?ls? ?ddr?ss?d th? issu? ?f s?lf-int?r?st ?f ?m?ric?ns. H?w?v?r Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?ns diff?r signific?ntly fr?m T?cqu?vill?’s c?nc?pt ?f ‘s?lf int?r?st pr?p?rly und?rstd. T?cqu?vill? d?scrib?d ?m?ric? ?s ? c?mmunity ?f gd S?m?rit?ns, with ppl? p?rsist?ntly h?lping ?n? ?n?th?r. H? ?xpl?ins h?w ?m?ric?ns h?d ?n inn?t? gr?sp ?f th? c?nc?pt ?f ?nlight?n?d s?lf-int?r?st: â€Å"Th? ?m?ric?ns ?nj?y ?xpl?ining ?lm?st ?v?ry ?ct ?f th?ir liv?s ?n th? principl? ?f s?lf-int?r?st pr?p?rly und?rstd.† H? c?ntinu?s t? s?y â€Å"?nlight?n?d s?lf-l?v? c?ntinu?lly lds th?m t? h?lp ?n? ?n?th?r ?nd inclin?s th?m t? d?v?t? frly ? p?rt ?f th?ir tim? ?nd wlthy t? th? w?lf?r? ?f th? st?t?.† (T?cqu?vill?, 1840; pg. 611) T?cqu?vill?’s principl? ?f s?lf-int?r?st pr?p?rly und?rstd sms t? b? in lin? with th? pr?- 1970s ?m?ric? pr?s?nt?d by Krugm?n; it’s h?rd t? ?ss?ci?t? th? s?lf â€int?r?st ?f m?d?rn c?rp?r?t? ?x?cutiv?s r?p?rt?d by Krugm?n with T?cqu?vill?’s c?nc?pt ?f s?lf int?r?st. Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?ns sms in lin? with th?t ?f ?d?m Smith, in th?t h? ?ttribut?s th? ?c?n?mic ?chi?v?m?nts ?f th? Unit?d St?t?s t? th? c?nc?ntr?ti?n ?f inc?m? ?t th? t?p, typic?l ?f fr m?rk?t syst?m, h?w?v?r his hyp?th?s?s gs b?y?nd th? â€Å"invisibl? h?nds† ?f th? m?rk?t th?t Smith c?nsid?r?d w?uld b?n?fit th? s?ci?ty. Krugm?n c?nsid?rs th? c?nc?ntr?ti?n ?f wlth ?n th? t?p ?s th? m?in rs?n th?t th? Unit?d St?t?s h?s m?r? p?v?rty ?nd l?w?r lif? ?xp?ct?ncy th?n ?ny ?th?r m?j?r ?dv?nc?d n?ti?n. Th?ugh h? c?nsid?rs th? hyp?th?sis ?f th? ?ff?cts ?f â€Å"gl?b?liz?ti?n†, â€Å"skill-bi?s?d t?chn?l?gic?l ch?ng?,† ?nd â€Å"sup?rst?r† thry, h? c?nclud?s th?t ?xpl?n?ti?ns f?r th? gr?wing in?qu?liti?s ultim?t?ly t? th? â€Å"r?l? ?f s?ci?l n?rms in s?tting limits t? in?qu?lity.† (Krugm?n, 2002) P?ul Krugm?n’s vi?ws in ? w?y c?nfirm ?d?m Smith’s c?uti?n ?f th? grd ?f th? busin?ssm?n, h?w?v?r h? f?ils t? id?ntify th? invisibl? h?nd th?t w?uld guid? th? s?lf-int?r?st t?w?rds th? b?n?fit ?f th? s?ci?ty. Whil? h? ?ss?nti?lly sms t? ?gr with ?d?m Smith’s n?ti?n th?t individu?l’s s?lf int?r?st may indir?ctly pr?m?t? th? int?r?st ?f th? s?ci?ty, h? sugg?sts th? pr?lif?r?ti?n ?f gl?b?l tr?d? ?nd gl?b?liz?ti?n ?f busin?ss, th? ?m?rg?nc? ?f th? n?w ?c?n?my c?upl?d with th? ?bs?nc? ?f s?ci?l n?rms h?v? incrsing sid?lin?d th? ‘invisibl? h?nd’. Krugm?n’s ?ss?y ?ss?nti?lly p?int t? th? nd f?r g?v?rnm?nt?l c?ntr?l by crting ?ff?ctiv? l?ws ?nd th? r?instituti?n ?f ?thic?l n?rms in th? c?rp?r?t? w?rld, s? th?t ?d?m Smith’s m?gic?l â€Å"invisibl? h?nd† will guid? busin?ss?s in th? right dir?cti?n. Th?n c?rp?r?ti?ns ?nd ?x?cutiv?s , whil? attempting t? m?k? th?ms?lv?s rich?r, will wrap up d?ing things th?t ?r? gd f?r th? wh?l? s?ci ?ty. Research Papers on Pð °ul Krugmð °n’s â€Å"FÐ ¾r Richð µr†19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraLifes What IfsStandardized TestingComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductQuebec and CanadaAssess the significance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeTwilight of the UAWThe Project Managment Office SystemDefinition of Export Quotas

Friday, August 21, 2020

Employees' Development plan supporting individual and organizational Research Paper

Workers' Development plan supporting individual and hierarchical viability in an association - Research Paper Example Presentation The worldwide budgetary emergency has turned a few organizations to ration their financial plans simply keep them above water in these troublesome occasions. Numerous individuals have lost their positions because of the spending cuts. For representatives left to work to enable their organizations to transcend the financial crunch, preparing and improvement are guaranteed in the desire that it will contribute towards the advancement of the individual worker as well as of the entire association also. Worker improvement has been distinguished as key to improving in general authoritative viability. Jacobs and Washington (2003) have characterized it as: â€Å"Employee improvement alludes to a coordinated arrangement of arranged projects, gave over some undefined time frame, to help guarantee that all people have the fitness important to perform to their fullest potential on the side of the organization’s goals† ( 344). One association that keeps on procuring ach ievement regardless of the financial emergency is McDonald’s Food Corporation. This organization has gained notoriety for great guidelines in food and administration. As of late, it is likewise being known as a strong manager offering a noteworthy representative improvement program. Foundation of the Organization McDonald’s was first evolved by siblings Dick and Mac McDonald in 1940. They focused on only a couple of items with their succulent cheeseburgers as their fundamental dealer. In 1954, Ray Kroc was selected by the siblings to be the first franchisee in San Bernardino, California. He opened his first café the next year in Quite a while Plaines, Illinois and the McDonald’s Corporation was made (, 2010). The organization maintained the highest caliber in food, administration, tidiness and worth that Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value (Q.S.C. and V.) turned into the organization aphorism since 1957. In 1961, Ray Kroc purchased all rights to the McDonald’s idea from the McDonald siblings ( He additionally opened the Hamburger University in Elk Grove, close to Chicago where individuals expecting to be in the business were given great preparing and improvement. From that point forward, McDonald’s continued developing regarding business and imaginative items and ideas that pulled in the global market to procure establishment stores in their nations. The honors procured by the organization during the time demonstrate that McDonald’s is one organization submitted not exclusively to the best expectations of greatness in the food administration industry yet in addition to being an incredible manager that inspires its workers to take a stab at their best execution. Writing Review on Learning and Employee Development Nowadays, individuals have more access to learning. Increasingly instructional classes are created and offered in schools and online for individuals who need to go further i n what they know to pick up abilities and information in their own zones of intrigue. The term learning might be characterized in a bunch of ways. â€Å"Learning is the demonstration or procedure by which social change, information, abilities and perspectives are acquired† (Boyd, Apps, et al., 1980:100-101). Learning isn't constrained to tutoring, particularly for grown-up students who look for information from numerous sources other than schools. Knowles et al. (2007) estimates that grown-up learning is sorted out around the idea that grown-ups learn best in casual, agreeable, adaptable and nonthreatening settings. Representatives who take part in further learning have their own inspirations that encourage them to continue. The inspiration to learn is influenced by the

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Questions: What Are The Nature And Extent Of The Problems Faced By The Managers? How Frequently They Face These Issues. What Are The Steps Taken By The Managers To Combat Such Situations? Answers: Presentation In the course of the most recent couple of decades, the worldwide business system has experienced impressive elements and adjustments, which have contributed hugely in getting down to business the cutting edge techniques for working together. With time, the worldwide business situation has gotten increasingly incorporated and comprehensive, by lessening the land and social boundaries existing in these viewpoints. Marvels like that of Globalization and Liberalization across various nations have likewise contributed in making between nation exchange and trade a lot of advantageous. This thusly has empowered an ever increasing number of organizations to build their space of activities and creation across various land area, to investigate and take points of interest of geologically enhanced economies and markets (Mendenhall et al. 2017). With the entrance in the worldwide markets, the workforces inside these organizations are additionally evolving essentially, with the organizations having representatives of various aptitude and encounters as well as of various social, geological and ethnological sources. These organizations, with the end goal of better and more extensive business possibilities and for extending their space of activities, are getting expanding reliant on this geologically and socially fluctuated workforce, which is contributing decidedly as far as actualizing vital decent varieties (Erez et al. 2013). In any case, the nearness of a worldwide and various workforce regularly prompts issues inside the groups, as far as false impressions, absence of coordination and disarrays, along these lines making it a test for the supervisors to deal with the worldwide workforce in an effective way, to such an extent that their efficiency and achievement are improved. Keeping this into thought, the paper proposes to talk about and feature the essential difficulties which are looked by the contemporary worldwide business groups in their operational structure, which thusly becomes difficulties to the comparing administrations, accentuating on the issues which yield up while overseeing cross outskirt business groups. Venture Objective Keeping the above conversation in thought, the essential target of the concerned task is to investigate and decipher the various difficulties and issues, which are looked by the chiefs of particularly those worldwide business establishments, which work in various land areas and have topographically and socially enhanced cross-outskirt groups of representatives. For understanding the equivalent, it is of most extreme significance to consider the trademark highlights of such cross-outskirt business groups, the issues which yield up in such a system and the underlying drivers behind such issues, which are additionally proposed to be concentrated by the concerned research venture. Aside from featuring the various difficulties which the directors face, which thus make jumps in the way of accomplishment of the hierarchical objectives, the paper additionally proposes to investigate the various styles of the executives which are typically embraced in this viewpoint and how they can be improv ed to battle these obstacles productively. Undertaking Scope It tends to be seen from the above conversation that the contemporary worldwide business situation is getting progressively coordinated and assorted, with organizations recruiting representatives from various topographical areas, social foundations and expert mastery and the work groups getting geologically fluctuated inside the organizations themselves. In such a situation, it gets significant for the administrations to plan their operational structures so that most extreme bit of leeway can be gotten from such work set ups. This can be that as it may, just be done once the issues and difficulties in the administration of such worldwide groups are distinguished and handled with. Along these lines, to boost the benefits and government assistance of the contemporary worldwide business structure, the difficulties which are looked by the chiefs of the global organizations in this viewpoint must be concentrates with gigantic significance, which thusly shows towards the wide extent of the proposed investigate in the contemporary time frames. Worldwide Work Teams With worldwide and geological different workforce and worldwide groups progressively turning into a piece of the cutting edge business systems, numerous scholarly works have been done on the parts of the gainfulness, nature, attributes of such work groups and the difficulties which can emerge during the time spent proficient administration of such differently found work groups. There exists different definitions and understandings of the term worldwide groups in the business situation. As expressed by Moran, Abramson and Moran (2014), in their working paper, the term can be allocated to the undeniably well known act of the business associations to shape work groups across various time zones and geological and social limits, which regardless of their etymological and social contrasts work for the equivalent authoritative objectives. When all is said in done, one individual or a gathering of administrators, who, with his base in one nation, is doled out the job of dealing with the geol ogically assorted groups, deals with these changed groups. Advantages of such various work groups Various researchers set forward, a few significant favorable circumstances of the nearness of geologically differing groups, the vast majority of which discusses the possibilities it adds to the organization and regarding expanded benefit and manageability. As indicated by Pieterse, Van Knippenberg and Van Dierendonck (2013), the nearness of socially and topographically different groups in a business establishment can help in tapping the local gifts just as similar favorable circumstances which may have positive ramifications on the associations benefit, manageability just as worldwide seriousness. Klitmller and Lauring (2013), who include that the nearness of such groups helps the organizations in extending their operational system in various nations, consequently helping them to misuse the open doors present in the already unexplored markets, bolster their attestations. Daim et al. (2012) advances the part of the consistently mechanical developments and act of spontaneities, which makes it much advantageous just as practical for the business foundations to deal with their worldwide groups for all intents and purposes with the assistance of the distinctive electronic mediums, which make correspondence between these socially and geologically different workforces quick and simple. Every one of these declarations together, point towards the advantage just as the requirement for fuse of various work groups in the contemporary business situation. Issues and difficulties in keeping up worldwide groups Disregarding the nearness of extensive possibilities and advantages of the nearness of worldwide and enhanced workforce inside an organization, there stays a few issues of worry in the working of the equivalent, which, as set forward by various researchers, if not tended to can be hugely negative to the business productivity and suitability of these associations. The essential issues of worry, as featured in the diverse scholarly works, are talked about as follows: Correspondence Breakdown-One of the essential difficulties looked by the worldwide groups and their supervisors, as contends by Daim et al. (2012) is the issue of correspondence breakdown, which regularly occurs inside the enhanced groups inside an organization, generally because of the nonappearance of appropriate and powerful channel of interchanges between the topographically assorted work groups. Different elements adding to this issue are absence of trust, between close to home issues and inappropriate or limited administrations in the organization, which hampers the completing global ventures of the organizations Shaffer et al. (2012). Absence of group creating exercises Dyer and Dyer (2013) states that regularly the worldwide groups are shaped inside the organizations in impromptu premise according to the requirements of the circumstances. These groups, being impermanent in nature, start with the appointed works not long after group arrangement, which gives them next to zero time to fabricate an appropriate arrangement for doing the assignment. The nonattendance of the sentiment of a legitimate group attitude hampers the responsibility of the individuals, subsequently influencing the objectives of the association. Disarrays in dynamic exercises As properly contends by Liu and Woywode (2013), one of the most critical issues or difficulties which the worldwide groups face in their operational system, is that of the disarrays and issues in dynamic with respect to arranging and executions of various methodologies and activities. The topographical distinction, diverse time zones and varieties in the work societies in various geological areas make it a gigantic test for the cross-fringe groups to take operational choices viably and collectively. The nearness of almost no regular available time additionally adds to the absence of correspondence which hampers these exercises generously. Contrasts in work culture-The nearness of various and regularly clashing corporate societies among the cross outskirt groups of an organization, is viewed as one of the essential difficulties in the part of proficient group the executives, by Mowday, Porter and Steers (2013). As per the creators, these fluctuated corporate societies make it hard for the supervisors to cause the representatives to comprehend their activity jobs and the normal objective of boost of benefit of association, towards which they should be submitted. Coordination disappointment Another issue of activity of worldwide groups, which is identified with the past difficulties, is the exceptionally applicable issue of coordination issues in the everyday exercises in the group. As Alvesson and Sveningsson (2015), recommend regularly the issue emerges with the workers working in one nation and their supervisors working in other. In such situations the help from

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Final Tips for Early Decision Applications

Take Some Time to Review and Reflect Before Applying Early Early application deadlines are right around the corner! If you are one of the many seniors applying to college early decision or early action this fall, there are a few things that you should double-check before hitting â€Å"submit!† Applying in the early round can have a number of benefits, like learning your admission decision sooner, better admission odds, and sometimes better financial aid options, but applying early shouldn't be taken lightly. While the application pool may be smaller, it’s typically more competitive and decisions can be binding – meaning you must attend if admitted. Students should only apply in the early round if they’re 100% ready and know that the institution is their top-choice. Before submitting your early application, make sure your application is the best representation of who you are as a student and that you’ve taken time to reflect on how applying early might impact your admissions journey. Here are some final tips for early applications. Reflect Before You Hit Send First, make sure that you reflect on why you are applying early to these schools. Is it because you’ve always had your heart set on this school or because you are a legacy? Is it because you feel as though this school aligns with what you are looking for in a university or college? Or, is it merely because you want to get your applications out of the way and avoid the waiting game later this spring? Make sure you are applying early decision or early action for the right reasons. Don’t just apply early to avoid the stress later on and to get it out of the way. Be sure to ask yourself the question, â€Å"Will I still feel as strongly about this school in a few months?† Plan Ahead By now you should have gathered all necessary application materials, so don’t wait until the last minute to submit them. If it helps, consider changing the application deadline date in your mind to a few days before. Make a point to have everything submitted by Oct. 26 or 27, for example, if your deadline is actually Nov. 1 or 15. This way, you will be able to put yourself in a good position to avoid any hiccups that are out of your control, such as Internet outages or website issues. Seek Out Second Opinions Make sure to have a second, third, or fourth pair of eyes look over your application from start to finish. Having different people read over the entire application will ensure that you did not look over any small mistakes or details. Also be sure to enlist people other than your friends or parents. Have your college counselor look over it as well, to ensure that everything is in the right order and that it looks good from an admissions standpoint! Look Ahead Prepare for every admission outcome, including a deferral. Make sure that you continue to complete your regular decision applications as you wait to learn your early admission decision. Keep track of any relevant information that pertains to late fall through April, should you need to update your early college with new information in the event of a deferral. Another issue that tends to creep up on seniors at this time of year is senioritis. Keep in mind that this process is not over until you have graduated, so don’t let senioritis get in the way of you attending the school of your dreams! IvyWise is here to help you tackle the admissions process with confidence and ease. Contact us today for more information. Also, to keep up to date on the latest tips for college admissions, be sure to follow us and join our mailing list.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Lust, Love Relationship - 1375 Words

Lust, Love Relationship (Essay Sample) Content: Lust, Love they need strong components of trust. In the article, the author defines the level of trust that existed at their college years as being naive given her closing statements. The author highlights a perfectly matched model according to Sternberg’s Triangular Theory. The inseparable character of the two indicates the important aspects outlined in the triangle. A perfect relation is defined by different factors outline in the triangle. A person possesses all the traits and finding a perfect match would mean highlighting equilibrium between the pair. Jealous forms part of the relation aspects. Jealously would be exhibited by parties that tend to experience some sense of misbelieve and low self-esteem. According to Erber and Erber (2015), jealousy, would be defined as a driving point in a given marriage. In the article, the author’s jealousy components arise from the financial advantage of her friend. The author considers the other relationshi p to be perfect drawing her comparison from the monetary perspective of other couples within the college setting. According to Acevedo et al. (2011) long- term relation, create a bond and hence the psychological perspective. In the authors case the tendency to create unsafe environment defines how love can create a jealous environment where the parties fell dissatisfied by their current situation. The relationship between the author and her partners is affected by external factors. The author admits to have been interested in the financial status of her friend and showed less interest to their relation. Ironically, their relation survived only during their college years. The authors perceptive of money define the reason behind the short relation. The author represents dissatisfaction within relationship. The failure to meet her monetary targets prompted her to break their relationship after completing college. The author defines how the situation is different in marriages relations hip. The author highlights serious components within the marriage relationship. According to Erber and Erber (2015), a perfect relation defines how a person identifies their match and work on similarities. In the authors story marriages defines a more serious relation where focus remains on the nature in which both parties communicated and interact. A perfect marriage defined the perfect model described by Sternberg (1986). External components push the perfect model to closely misplaced model. In this case, commitment and passion remains constant but intimacy changes. The mismatch in intimacy is what defined the author’s final years in college. Marriage is a long-term commitment and the long-term relation will mean the three factors need to be equal from both parties. The failure to match the three factors would means failed marriages. The issue if highlighted by the author in her final submissions where he explains how she had learned from the short relationship in her coll ege years. Love can be defined as a game. According to the John Lee’s Six Kinds of Relationships, the different types of relationship define a person’s commitment and involvement with a second party. The theory defines love as a game. The game in the article highlights how the author was able to play for survival in college and highlight how she quit the relationship on realizing other priorities in life. The essence of survival in a college life is all about determining survival tactics. From her narration, it is evident that she struggled financially during her stay in college. The only way she would survive was to play a game that would favor her motives. Her boyfriend in college in this case was her means of survival. Comparing the Acevedo et al. (2011) research on closeness and time factor in love, it is evident that survival was the only reason the author lived with her boyfriend. Upon attaining an added advantage in the competitive employment market, she quit her relation and in essence adapted another aspect of love that is could lead to marriage. The author definition of aspects of love dominates the article. The first aspect of love is sharing, in college the author and her boyfriend shared common gander. At their final year in college, the two part ways thus creating an open space where the author would experience a more mature love. The new job seekers then shift their love from on e with fillings and apply the second aspect, which is activity. Their future activities disadvantages their relation hence need of both to quit the relationship and adapt new aspects. The next relation according to the author would lead to marriage. The author outlines trust, love and communication effective in a long-term relation. The author aligns the aspect of experiment in her love experiences. In the experimental on may quit a relationship due to failed expectation. The nature of success would be determined when the relationship last ...

Monday, May 18, 2020

Adam Goodes An Indigenous Australian Famous For Being A...

Adam Goodes is an Indigenous Australian famous for being a player for the Sydney Swans team in the Australian Football League (AFL). Being a well-known AFL player and also winning Australian of the year for his charity work with indigenous youth, Adam Goodes can be considered as a high profile Indigenous person. Throughout his career, he has used his status as a platform to address racial discrimination towards indigenous peoples within Australia, as he himself has received public discriminatory racial slurs. Through sport and community work – Adam Goodes has transformed indigenous culture, by challenging its race relations and empowering the next generation of Indigenous role models. Indigenous Australians continue to have an ongoing resistance to the processes of colonisation and also of emphasizing an indigenous presence within Australia. Born in 1980, he lived the majority of his childhood in Wallaroo and Adelaide (in South Australia) with his mother, Lisa May. Lisa is of Adnyamathanha and Narungga descent, and a member of the â€Å"stolen generation† of Aboriginal children who were forcibly removed from their families during the 18th century (Shepherd, 2014). He grew up in an era of political justice for indigenous peoples (Thapliya, 2015). In the late 1960’s, aboriginal activism began to flourish, along with an endeavor to end constitutional discrimination (McGregor, 2009). Adam began contributing to Aboriginal activism in the 21st century, by working againstShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis25582 Words   |  103 PagesBusiness, University of Western Sydney Limited, a manufacturer of pumps, filters and security products. GUD’s acquired Sunbeam in 1996. After catering for predominately female needs, it was the male population’s turn to benefit from Sunbeam’s innovations. The electric shaver—Shavemaster—was introduced to the market. Despite heavy international competition, Shavemaster became a market leader shortly after its launch. The appliance revolution continued to penetrate the Australian market. Consumers were introduced

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Age Of Enlightenment An Elusive Dream Of Perfection

The moment I close my eyes, I become exactly who I want to be. In my mind’s eye, everything is how it should be. I can shut out a stormy day and see sunshine. In the midst of a final examination, I can close my eyes and I have already begun my summer vacation. Sadly as I once again enter the realm of veracity with the opening of my eyes, the weight of the world is once again felt on my shoulders. I look around and I see filth and garbage coexisting with beauty and radiance; lies and deceit in the same sphere as honesty and integrity. The worst of mankind is horrid; the best is something to be idolized. One might say to one self, â€Å"If I but eliminate the depraved, I would only see, hear and do virtuous things.† Reasonably, this statement just makes sense! During the Age of Enlightenment or reason there was an elusive dream of perfection; a perfect person or a perfect society where all was peaceful and all was right. Beginning to once again think for themselves, we see in written literature the illusion of this greatness. Throwing off the dogma’s of religion, writers began to explore the imagination, delving deeper into the unconscious and quick frankly coming up with some fascinating thoughts. After hundreds of years of controlled thinking through ecclesiastical powers, the mind was now free to roam. Envisioned and engrained on many minds was the image of Sir Thomas Mores â€Å"Utopia†, a paradise beyond compare. Many, through their works tried to give their readers, if evenShow MoreRelatedAlchemist Answer Key2085 Words   |  9 Pagesthe merchant? Coelho chose crystal merchant because he wanted to showcase the different paths a person may chose in life. Whereas Santiago feels eager to pursue his Personal Legend and get to Egypt, the crystal merchant fears pursuing his own dream to make a pilgrimage to Mecca because he worries he will have nothing to live for afterward. 9) The Englishman and his goals are described in the novel. What is he looking for? What does he demonstrate to Santiago that the Englishman alreadyRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages . 56 Chapter 2 Modernist organization theory: back to the future? Modernist organization theory in context What is modernism? The way the term modernism is used in different contexts is sometimes concrete and definite and sometimes elusive and contradictory. As we shall see as the chapter develops, modernism is sometimes used as a term to describe a world of order and rationality that is at the same time challenging and exciting. At other times, it is used to describe a world that isRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pagesand frankly astonishing, confession that he is having serious doubts about its continuing efficacy. Hooley and Saunders (1993, p. 3), however, have pursued a rather different line of argument, suggesting instead that the marketing concept has come of age in that, whereas even 10 years ago, many senior managers did not really understand marketing, 24 S T R AT E G I C M A R K E T I N G M A N A G E M E N T there appears now to be a far deeper and wider appreciation of the concept and of the benefitsRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesresearchers aim to show the partisan nature of accounting and its role in sustaining and perpetuating this schism. As such, radical 50 BAXTER AND FONG CHUA researchers hope that their research will assist broad-scale transformation and enlightenment, enabling the formation of more just and fair organizations and societies (Laughlin 1987). This transformative mandate creates distinctive accounts of management accounting practice, marked by a preparedness to highlight, rather than marginalize

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Managing for Social Responsibility L’oreal - 1737 Words

Managing for Social Responsibility: L’Oreal L’Oreal is listed as one of the Top 50 Socially Responsible Corporations, according to Mecleans.Ca in June 2010 (Top 50 Socially Responsible Corporation). The article listed companies like HP, Honda and McDonalds, which all have demonstrated their commitment to being socially responsible. L’Oreal is committed to an eco-responsible business model and is respectful of their social and environmental responsibilities. L’Oreal has demonstrated that they dedicated to being social responsible, by supporting HIV/AIDS awareness, creating safe and environmentally friendly factories and their continual commitment to making efforts to â€Å"go green† has led to the production of environmentally safe product.†¦show more content†¦Organizations need to find ways to share their knowledge with similar companies and unite to make a healthy environment for future generations. L’Oreal’s products are k nown as among the safest beauty care products available on the market, including makeup, perfume, hair and skin care. According to L’Oreal’s website, â€Å"a high percentage of ingredients used by the company are from vegetable origin. Around 40% of ingredients are sourced from renewable plants.† (L OREAL s Commitment to Green and Sustainable Chemistry). Plants are generally considered renewable resource as they can be continually reproduced and regenerate relatively quickly. Companies using renewable plants benefit from having a large stock of resources at a relatively low cost which both protect the environment and allows them to provide considerable savings. Additional to them using renewable plants and vegetables products, they have committed to ending animal testing in their cosmetics by using alternative methods such as tissue engineering, vitro testing and development of predictive methods. Episkin, a subsidiary of L’Oreal has been working to devel op reconstructed human skin to better understand its biological behavior and tolerance to ingredients. In their continuing efforts Episkin acquired SkinEthic, leader in Tissue Engineering, to develop and research alternatives to animal testing. In 2007, SkinEthic with Episkin has developed 5-in-vitro tests this is, according to ECVAM (European CentreShow MoreRelatedL Oreal : The World s Largest Cosmetics And Beauty Company2695 Words   |  11 PagesBrand/Organisation: L’Orà ©al Student Name: Kerry Lynne Thompson Student Number: 130285308 Module Code: MKT1002 Degree Programme: BA Hons Marketing and Managementâ€Æ' Introduction to L’Orà ©al. L Orà ©al is the world s largest cosmetics and beauty company and has been the market leader since 2001. They market 18 brands and are divided into four categories - consumer products, professional products, luxury products, active cosmetics. They operate in many varied distribution circuits in over 130 countries (L’Orà ©al, n.d)Read MoreLoreal Market Entry Strategy India China5215 Words   |  21 PagesReach Of L’Oreal 5 4. The Business 5 5. The Product Categories 5 5.1. Consumer products 5 5.2. Professional products 6 5.3. Luxury products 6 5.4. Active cosmetics 6 6. Corporate Strategies 7 6.1. The Strategist 7 6.2. Initial Strategy 7 6.3. Mergers and Acquisitions 7 6.4. Cross-fertilization: 8 6.5. New Geographic Areas 9 6.6. Research and Development 9 6.7. Entering New Business 10 6.8. Exploring New Opportunities 10 7. Corporate Social ResponsibilityRead MoreMarketing Strategies L’oreal3647 Words   |  15 PagesChallenges L’Oreal is challenged on how the company can still keep its place as a leader in the cosmetics world, which is synonymous with beauty, innovation, and scientific excellence in more than 100 countries (Message from the Vice Chairman, 2013). It continues to be the source of expertise in presenting all its retail distribution channels, hair salons, department stores, supermarkets and pharmacies hence knowledge is also shared with the many; it also maintains its being a leader in many sectorsRead MoreLOreal - Business Policy and Strategy8843 Words   |  36 PagesIntroduction L’Orà ©al was established in 1909, and by now the company is one of the leaders in the beauty market while providing a wide variety of products for each segment of its market tailored to meet expectations of its customers. L’Orà ©al does and has always have believed in the strategy on innovation and diversification. Due to the products’ uniqueness, L’Orà ©al’s product became well-known and popular among all ethnic groups, not depending on gender. Mission: The company’s mission is toRead MoreCsr Nestle Case Study1338 Words   |  6 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility. Nestle Case Study. In this work I am going to address how Nestle is managing its corporate social responsibility. Firstly, I would like to give a simple definition of CSR. It is the comprehensive approach companies take to meet or exceed the expectations of stakeholders beyond such measures as revenue, profit and legal obligations. It covers community investment, human rights and emploee relations, environmental practices and ethical conduct. (Oliver, 2011Read MoreHR ASSIGNMENT 3HRC1544 Words   |  7 Pagesphone order and delivery service. Alan Howards stores provide products and a service, business to business and business to public offering more than 6,000 professional products for hair, skin and nails. Through professional lines such as Wella, L’Oreal and Schwarzkopf, along with our outside sales consultants generate up to 9,000 sales of exclusive to Alan Howards professional branded products such as Matrix, Joico, Fudge, St Tropez and more targeted for professional and salon use also for salonRead MoreNestle and Its Brand Attributes1503 Words   |  7 Pagesshareholder in Lâ€⠄¢Oreal, one of the world’s leading makers of cosmetics. Its market-leading brands include Milo, Nescafe, Maggi and Nestle Bliss (Nestle focused on branding, 2012). Brand attributes are the attractive benefits products or services which can be implied in the brand’s promise with a series of phrases. Nestle’s attributes are: 1) Food manufacturer with the highest safety and quality standards 2) Advanced technology used in product manufacturing, and 3) Social responsibility in contributingRead MoreInternal and External Factor of International Human Resource Management4647 Words   |  19 Pageset al (1993) defined IHRM as human resource management issues, function and policies and practices that result from the strategic activities of multinational enterprises and the impact on the international concerns and goal of those enterprises. Managing HR in MNC is different from the way the HR is being managed in the country, According to Morgan (1986) there are three factors that differentiate between IHRM and domestic HR: First, the countries of operations such as the -country where a subsidiaryRead MoreWhite dog cafe case Essay1886 Words   |  8 PagesJudy Wicks must decide how she can improve her restaurants growth in the short, medium, and long term while continuing the restaurants social programs and maintaining its current ethical position. After an analysis of the current situation, we will present viable alternatives to e nsure the White Dog Cafà © continues its commitment in the long term to social responsibility in a manner that allows Judy Wicks to step down as owner of the Cafà ©. We will prove to Judy Wicks that her restaurant can maintain itsRead MoreBenefits of Strategic Management Essays2974 Words   |  12 Pagesdiscipline that emerged as a result of the evolution process necessitated by the changes in the organisational internal and external environment. The environmental changes of management have been occurring throughout the history on social, economic and political arenas. Social forces, represented by norms and values that characterise the people in a culture (Davidson Griffin, 2003, p. 35) influence demand of the management process stakeholders. Economic factors encompassing systems of producing

Homelessness and Childhood Development Essay - 976 Words

This paper will attempt to explain from an developmental and ecological framework the myriad of issues and obstacles effecting the health and development of those who experience homelessness in youth. Homelessness at such an early and integral stage in one’s life presents lasting consequences and we must work to better understand, prevent and reverse the effects of homelessness on children. Homelessness is a widespread issue that in recent years has only worsened with the downturn in the economy and a never-ending war. Of this very vulnerable population however there is within an even more vulnerable population, the children affected by homelessness. We as a society need to understand why homelessness in childhood happens, and understand†¦show more content†¦Homeless children get two times as many ear infections compared to those who are not. Children who are homeless suffer from over four times as many asthma attacks, and twice the rate of respiratory infections like ly as result of molds and dander from rodents. They are more likely to be positive for a tb skin test and at a greater risk for lead poisoning. One third of homeless children have never been to a dentist and dental health can affect the heart. Homeless children are more likely to suffer from malnutrition, because often there is a lack of transportation to locations for healthy food options and easier access to junk foods if anything is available at all. Over fifty percent of homeless children are anemic.experience six times the speech problems of others Homeless children are much more likely to become a victim of a physical or sexual assault Psychological Perspective consequences of homelessness in early childhood on a person’s psyche. Homeless children are at least four times more likely to have developmental delays Children that are homeless are twice as likely to have a learning disability Three times as likely to have emotional and behavioral problems Suffer from severe emotional distress More likely to witness violence Half of homeless children have problems with anxiety, depression or withdraw Social Perspective From a social prespective the scope of damage to ones learning abilities as result of homelessness inShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Homlessness Essay1221 Words   |  5 Pagesissues stemming from childhood Homeless children and families suffer many hardships such as poor health and increased sickness. many of these homeless children are poorly educated and have developmental delays as well as emotional problems. homeless children have a higher rate of learning disabilities than children that are not homeless and sadly these homeless children and their families have experienced violence in many forms starting at a young age. the burden of homelessness on a family has ledRead MoreDepression Among The Homeless Community1348 Words   |  6 Pagestheir ability to deal with circumstances.† Depression is characterized with low self-esteem as well as â€Å"a loss of interest in activities†¦ [which] has an incapacitating [effect] on the individual’s ability to relate to others.† Depression can cause homelessness or vice versa. â€Å"One of the strongest sources of depression among the homeless community [is] their feelings of isolation and loneliness. Feelings of isolation and separation from others† can lead to â€Å"rooflessness, such as parental neglect.† (PhilippsRead MoreThe Homeless Are Homeless : A Middle Class Lifestyle After Marriage1654 Words   |  7 Pagesat least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years (Doran). The reason there are so many homeless people now in the country is because of a very punitive and moralistic societal value we have about people who are homeless and in desperate need. (Tsemberis). The government should provide more adequate shelter because child homelessness is at an all time high in the United States, mental health issues are more common among homeless people, veteran homelessness is increasing throughout Read MoreHomelessness and Mental Illness1095 Words   |  5 Pagesas well. Homelessness and mental illness are linked. These two happenings have similar beginnings. Homelessness is influenced by drug and alcohol disuse, being homeless at a young age, money problems, and trauma symptoms. Mental illness is caused by many of the same things, but it can also happen at birth. The effects that each entity has on a person are comparable. Rehabilitation is a necessary process if a victim of homelessness and or mental illness wants to rejoin society. Homelessness and mentalRead MoreHomelessness Is The Issue And Problem Of Homelessness1567 Words   |  7 PagesHomelessness Defined: A key issue society currently faces is the issue and problem of homelessness. In January of 2016, approximately 549,928 American individuals were experiencing homelessness (HUD’s 2016 annual assessment, 2016). Most research concerning homelessness agrees that definitions of homelessness vary and that there are several challenges researchers encounter while attempting to study homelessness due the transient nature of homelessness along with other inconsistencies and barriersRead MoreThe Effects Of Homelessness On A Child s Mental State849 Words   |  4 Pageshousing, nurturing and responsive parenting, as well as high-quality learning opportunities from home and school. Thus, it is clear that homelessness has negative developmental effects on a child mentally, socially, and academically. Firstly, homelessness has an impact on a child’s mental state. For children to grow, learn, and master the developmental tasks of childhood, they must be physically and emotionally healthy. A homeless child is raised without the constant nurture of parents, because many parentsRead MoreHomelessness : Homeless Population, Origins And Consequences Of Homelessness1373 Words   |  6 PagesHomelessness Some background information on the prevalence of and risk factors for the homeless population, origins and consequences of homelessness, prevention and treatment strategies, and other considerations will be presented. The definition of homelessness may cover a broad range of individuals, including those physically deprived of a home and housed persons unwilling to remain in their homes (Ravenhill 6). Some researchers conceptualize homelessness as â€Å"alienation from the rest of the societyRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Homelessness Essay792 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of Duffield’s â€Å"Should Federal Agencies Use the Same Definition of Homelessness†? A Rhetorical Analysis of Duffield’s â€Å"Should Federal Agencies Use the Same Definition of Homelessness†? The author, Barbara Duffield, Policy Director for National Association for the education of homeless children and youth, writes for CQ Researcher the article â€Å"Should federal agencies use the same definitions of homelessness?† Duffield aims to substantiate that federal agencies, using differentRead MoreHomelessness1688 Words   |  7 PagesCauses of Homelessness in America Homelessness is an ongoing problem for our society. Every day we come to terms with the effects of it, but what about the causes? By definition, a person who is homeless lives in public. The lack and destruction of federal housing programs and increasing rents forced those who are homeless to do in public what everyone prefers to do in private. According to the website, National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, the Low Income Housing Information ServiceRead MoreThe Psychological Symptoms And Disparities Of Gay Youth And How They Outstandingly Differentiate From Their Homeless Heterosexual Counterparts1154 Words   |  5 PagesSchrimshaw, and Hunter in this article, documents the very high rates of homelessness among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth. However, this study is primarily focuses on the psychological symptoms and disparities of gay youth and how they outstandingly differentiate from their homeless heterosexual counterparts. After further investigation they had begun to examine potential mediators between the two such as, friends, family, childhood, and environmental factors. These findings suggest the need for interventions

Protestant Reformation free essay sample

In the early sixteenth century, Western Europes religious face was dominated by the Roman Catholic faith. The Catholic Church was the sole athority power of day to day values, and before long, conflicting social and political issues began to shake the foundation of the corrupt Catholic Church. Moreover, Western Catholics began to realize the corrupt nature of the Church; as the selling of indulgences was challenged by Martin Luthers 95 Theses, the hierarchal nature of the Church was displayed via blatant acts of simony, and the concept was purgatory was outwardly questioned. Ultimately, as westerners caught wind of the aforementioned doings, an attempt to reform the Catholic Church began brewing: the Protestant Reformation. This Reformation ultimately led to several significant social and political consequences. On one note, the Reformation led to the once-all Catholic western Europeans being separated into several demographics: Catholic Christianty, Protestant Christianty, and Orthodox. As a result, the belief of the founder Jesus Christ was magnified, as well as the belief of the Bible as a doctrine of salvation (in the Protestant faith). We will write a custom essay sample on Protestant Reformation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Consequently, the popularity of the Bible led to it being printed in vernacular rather than Latin, and thus the Bible began to appeal to a larger audience rather than solely the wealthy and educated. This accessiblity to the lower class revealed the teachings of faith to a previously uninformed demographic. Also, Protestantism had created a new, highly individual spirituality. Survival and salvation depended upon inner faith and self-disclipline, thus a larger emphasis was made on personal commitments and values. As the teachings of the Bible were made more widely availible, the aforementioned notions became more widely available. With this newfound knowledge, and with the economic power of the church now lessened, there came a growth of induvidual liberty. These newfound attitudes and economic turn-around consequently reflected principes of, and led to, capitalism. On another hand, another consequence of the Reformation was many dispays of intolerance. More specifically, King Phillip II of Spain and Bloody Maryof England actively persecuted Protestants. Also, with the Reformation leaving the Churchs power teetering, several Rulers were empowered against the Church. Henry VII, for example, nullified the Popes powers, and in turn the Rulers of Europe had the power to rule their countries however they wished, from square one. This, ultimately, gave rise to the notion of nationalism, which gave rise to the growth of the modern state. Conclusively, the effects of the Protestant Reformation were very much significant. Starting in the hands of Martin Luther, the reform not only tore apart the religious unity of Europe at the time, but also contributed to induvidual attitudes and values, the growth of nationalism and the modern state, but also shined a light on the path to a capitalistic society.

What Is a Gospel, and Why Were the Canonical Gospels Written free essay sample

It must be regognised that when Matthew, Mark, Luke and John first appeared in writing, they were not labelled as gospels. That title was later added after they had all been collected together and each was seen as a commentary of a message of Jesus but told according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. (Wenham and Waltor, 2001) It is important to fit the gospels into an appropriate genre in order to understand them. Hurtado says that a literary genre is a category or type of literature for example a bibliography or novel. He says that literary genres are not universal or static categories but they have developed and changed over time. In order to determine a writing’s genre we must look at the genres and literary conventions relevant to the era of the writings. Therefore, the question of the genres of the gospels must be addressed by examining their characteristics in comparison with the types of literature current in the Greco Roman setting. Hurtado continues to say that the literary genre of the gospels involves two basic issues, the first being the literary nature of the canonical gospels as continuous prose narrative of Jesus’ ministry and their relationship to other early Christian writings. The second issue to consider is the relationship of the gospels to their Greco Roman literary setting. There are two practical purposes served in this discussion, firstly a better understanding of the place of the gospels in the literary history of early Christianity and the Greco Roman world and secondly, a more intelligent interpretation of the gospels as their features are highlighted by comparison with their literary background. (Hurtado, 1992) Although the four gospels tell the story of Jesus of Nazareth they are not straightforward accounts of his life. They are the result of complex reflection on and interpretation of his significance, by people who believed he was Israel’s Messiah and the risen Lord. (Boxall, 2007) This indicates that although the gospels are accounts of Jesus’ life they were written by people who saw him in a very favorable light therefor their writings are likely to be all positive rather than negative so is this a true reflection of Jesus’ life? Why were the gospels written? Wenham and Walton provide four reasons as to why the gospels were written. The first reason is a historical reason, the period the gospels were written in was a time when the original eyewitnesses were dying. There was an urgency at the time to preserve personal knowledge of Jesus’ ministry for future generations and a written account would be the most permanent. Secondly, there was an evangelistic reason, specifically to share the gospel message to those who were not yet believers. In the letters provided in the New Testament they only provide brief summaries of the evangelistic messages to non believers where as the written gospels provided a more in depth and extended narrative summaries of the contents of the Christian declaration. The third reason for the gospels being written is there was a teaching reason in order to teach those who followed Jesus more about their faith and to help them grow within it. Finally, the fourth reason is there was a geographical reason, to spread the eye witness accounts further afield. Written account were much easier to pass around than oral accounts as written accounts were easier to copy and carry and meant they were less likely to change from person to person. (Wenham and Walton, 2001) These are the four main reasons why the gospels were written, historical, evengelistic, teaching and geographical. It was important at the time to be able to keep and preserve the stories of Jesus’ life. After the gospels were written down they were passed on much easier to others who were already followers of Jesus or to people who wanted to become followers of Jesus and to learn about his life. The material incorporated in the gospels probably came from small independent units and much of it probably came orally rather than in written form and over several decades. This would have allowed for the material to be reshaped and changed as it was applied to new circumstances and to be interpreted differently in different geographical and cultural contexts. It is possible that much of the chronological sequence in the gospels is down to the evangelists’ own arrangement, rather than actual memory of where where the events actually took place. (Boxall, 2007) Another reason the gospels were written was that the writing down of accounts or letters came into being as an instrument for guiding a community in the Judaistic crisis. The gospel literature came into being out of the need to reorientate the communities after the Jewish war. (Theissen, 2003) Where did the gospels come from? The gospels were not written immediately after the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, it is likely they were written thirty to sixty years later. The gospels that appear in the New Testament come from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They would have been eyewitnesses of Jesus, his life and his teaching. The reason in the delay of the writing of the gospels after the death of Jesus could be because the worship of Jesus as the Son of God was only established in the cross and Easter. Before this it would have been considered blasphemy to refer to Jesus as God or the Son of God. (Theissen, 2003) There are similarities of wording within Matthew, Mark and Luke, this had lead some scholars to believe that some sharing of stories may have been happening or maybe one author copying another author. John has a different style and contains information that is not found in the other three gospels. (Wenham and Walton, 2001) The first three gospels are known as the Synoptics, a term which translates to seeing together. (This is because of their similarity of context). Conclusion To conclude, we are able to see that a gospel is a teaching of story about Jesus’ life. The word gospel is literally translated to ‘good news’. The four gospels we are most familiar with are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and these are found in the New Testament. The gospels were written in order to preserve the life of Jesus in writing and in order to teach others the stories of his life. All four Gospels are important as they show us different aspects of Jesus’ life and when brought together help to bring a great amount of knowledge about Jesus. References Boxall, I (2007). The Books of the New Testament. London: SCM Press. 94-129. Hurtado, L (1992). â€Å"Gospel (Genre)† Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Leicester: Inter Varsity Press. 276-283. Walton, S and Wenham, D (2001). Exploring the New Testament. The Gospels and Acts. London: AD Publishing Services. 47-80.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Product Liability Essays (1493 words) - Tort Law, Product Liability

Product Liability This weeks question concerns liability and moral responsibility in consumer products. As the question is multi-part, the answer will be likewise. To begin, the first question addresses who should be liable for the voluntary actions of others. Specifically, if substantial information concerning the hazards of a product or service has been offered to the consumer, who is to blame if someone is injured? Similar to most questions derived from this course, the answer is it depends. From a legal standpoint, the contract or arrangement must first be analyzed. If, for example, the activity is a high risk activity such as sky diving or feeding sharks on a scuba dive, then the legal concept of duty of care obviously plays a major role. Without sufficient training, education, and discussion of the inherent risks, potential problems, and possible results of mishaps, the seller is not fulfilling his or her duty warn the buyer of known risks or hazards. In this case, the seller would be legally required to warn the buyer that a failure to exercise reasonable care poses an unreasonable risk of harm (McCarty, 279). If the buyer has been properly apprised of the level of care necessary to avoid unreasonable risk, the buyer then assumes the risk, and subsequent liability, should tragedy occur. This is due to the Assumption of Risk liability defense that states that if the plaintiff knew, or should have known, of the risk inherent in a particular situation and voluntarily as sumes that risk, then the defendant is not liable for the plaintiffs injury even if the defendant was negligent. In this case, if the sky diving company requires 4 hours of classroom training before the first jump to thoroughly cover the risks of the activity and the prospective jumper voluntarily assumes the risks, then the skydiving company can not be held liable if the jumper breaks his leg on touchdown because he could not hear when the instructor calls for the flare upon touchdown. In an ethical light, this arrangement of reasonable liability division is in keeping with our understanding of moral rights in the economic sense. According to the negative right of freedom of consent, all parties should be free to make any arrangement to which both parties agree. It is a moral imperative in this free consenting agreement or contract that both parties fully disclose all pertinent aspects of the arrangement, in this case, the disclosing of the inherent risks involved with jumping out of an airplane (Velasquez, 330). Once both parties are satisfied with the conditions of the agreement, they are free to commit to the agreement via contract. The buyer has freely accepted the risk of the product, and the seller has fulfilled his obligation to provide enough information for the buyer to make an educated decision. The liability transfers from the seller to the buyer once both parties have freely and knowledgeably entered the contractual agreement. In this arrangement, the r ights of all parties have been preserved. Additionally, this arrangement fulfills the deontological requirements of an ethical contract. The seller has a moral duty to provide the safest product possible in relation to the nature of that product. The seller also has an obligation to disclose information about his or her product that could cause unreasonable harm if not carefully managed. Under the Due Care theory, the seller is required, as the more expert of the parties, to ensure that the buyer is fuller aware of the dangers. Finally, the seller has the duty to allow the buyer the opportunity to make an informed decision. Once the decision is made, the buyer has the duty to abide by the contractual agreement. As Velasquez states, the manufacturer is no longer morally negligent after having taken all reasonable steps to protect the consumer and to ensure that the consumer is informed of any irremovable risks that might still attend the use of the product (337). Therefore, the liability of injury transfers after the seller h as fulfilled his duties to the buyer. The second question addresses the issue of the role of government in the regulation of individual choice. Velasquez describes the impact of a government over regulating safety standards. Such government interference, as

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Edward Mick Mannock essays

Edward Mick Mannock essays Edward Mick Mannock was born in Brighton on May 24th, 1887. Mick lived in England, Scotland, Ireland and India. While he was in India, he got an infection and went blind. Eventually Mick had recovered his eyesight but was forever blind in his left eye. Mick fought in the Boer war, after he had returned home he deserted his family, his wife and their four children. In February of 1914, Mick was relocated for his job at the National Telephone Company to Turkey. After hearing that a war was declared, Mick tried to get back to England. Once he had heard that Turkey had formed and alliance with Germany, Mick knew he was in trouble. Mick was arrested and put into a Turkish concentration camp. He eventually made it back home to England in April of 1915. Once back home in England, Mick immediately joined the British Army; he was very soon after promoted to the position of sergeant-major. In March of 1916 he was transferred to the Royal Engineers as an officer cadet. Not long after he reached the position of Second Lieutenant. In August of 1916, Mick requested to be transferred to The Royal Flying Corps. When in flight training, he blew all the instructors away showing impressive flight skills with only a few hours of professional training. Mick arrived at St. Omer in France on April 6th, 1917. He made his first confirmed kill on June 7th, 1917. Mick quickly built up a reputation as one of the most talented pilots in the RFC. Once he arrived on the Western Front he won four dogfights in his first two weeks. On August 16th he shot down four aircrafts and two more the next day. He won the Military Cross on September 17th. In October that year he was awarded a bar to his Military Cross. The official citation read He attacked a formation of five enemy machines single handed and shot one down out of control; while engaged with an enemy machine, he was attacked by two others, one of which he forced down to the ...

Friday, February 28, 2020

Comparing The Bible & Milton's Paradise Lost Essay

Comparing The Bible & Milton's Paradise Lost - Essay Example This inclination to religious themes was manifested in his works prior to Paradise Lost. Some of these works are On the Morning of Christs Nativity, The Passion, and Upon the Circumcision (Luxon). This religious disposition displayed in his works continued after Paradise Lost was published; two examples of his works are Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes (Luxon). But among his literary works with religious themes, the best one would be his epic masterpiece, Paradise Lost. However, it would be objectionable to call Milton’s Paradise Lost to be the greatest literary work or the greatest epic of all time. For one, Paradise Lost may be in some way, a copy of the accounts of Moses about man’s first offense against God. The plot from the Bible was adapted in poetry form but Milton intricately laced the story with descriptive details that even include dialogues between Satan and the other rebel angels; narrations about the origin of the world by an angel named Raphael; and conversations between Adam and Eve. Another reason would be its similarities with the early epics Aeneid by Virgil and Iliad by Homer. Paradise Lost is analogous to Virgil’s Aeneid and Homer’s Iliad mainly because of their similarities in their source of inspiration. Other noticeable similarities would be on the plot, the characters involved and the relationships of the characters to each other in the three epics. Before giving further details about Paradise Lost’s similarities with the other two epics, it would be best to know beforehand Milton’s literary basis in writing Paradise Lost and that would be the Bible. The fall of man as accounted in Paradise Lost has some similarities and differences from the Biblical account of the entry of sin in earth. Being based on the Bible, the similarities are very obvious, but the differences require to be discussed. In the

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

David Bowie and Performativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

David Bowie and Performativity - Essay Example This argument will serve as a lens in analysing David Bowie’s song, â€Å"Queen Bitch.† The song revolves around a hustler prostitute seducing a gay man’s boyfriend. Using stereotyped language and images and an upbeat tone and guitar melody, Bowie challenges the narratives of authentic identity by undermining sexual gender roles and asserting his own lack of performance in contrast to the aggressive nature of the Queen Bitch, although he realises that his gay performative acts include sexual liberation from an unfaithful relationship that is doomed because of heterosexual desires. Butler believes that gender is not biologically-based, but created in the past, and Bowie uses stereotyped language to support that feminine gender is subjected to socially-produced heteronormativity, which society designed for male desires. Butler asserts that gender is â€Å"tenuously constituted in time† (901). The tenuous part can be ascribed to gender norms and roles that ar e passed on from one generation to another, particularly in patriarchal societies that men design and control. Bowie specifically questions the gender norm of the female bitch. In describing her clothing, he demeans the clothing that women wear to attract the male gender: â€Å"She's so swishy in her satin and tat/In her frock coat/and bipperty-bopperty hat† (lines 13-15). The satin and tat are an odd mix because satin can be related to sophistication, while tat is a form of laced clothing. The combination suggests a cheap imitation of the ideal virginal woman. â€Å"Bipperty-bopperty† seems to be onomatopoeic, like something is being conjured out of magic. The effect is that the hat is as â€Å"fake† or as â€Å"contrived† as the woman. To stress the poor choice of clothing of the prostitute, Bowie says; â€Å"Oh God, I could do better than that† (16). He curses and calls the name of God, as if saying that even if God made her a woman, he is a bet ter woman, even if he is a man. Society defines manhood and womanhood, so gender is â€Å"tenuously constituted in time,† a time that Bowie finds hard to oppose (Butler 901). Furthermore, heteronormativity is present in the song because the man, who can be inferred as the boyfriend of the singer, is not loyal to the latter, and instead, acts like a stereotyped womaniser. Bowie notes that though the woman is a â€Å"bitch,† the man is a male version of a bitch: â€Å"And he's trying hard/to pull sister Flo† (4-5). The man is not exactly resisting the charms of the woman, whom Bowie calls sister Flo, probably because she goes with the flow, the flow of men with money or looks or both. Bowie shows that society produces slutty women and men within the context of heteronormativity, where male desires shape social norms. Present gender roles and interactions are products of heteronormative desires. Aside from the tenacity of the past in influencing gender norms, Butle r argues that gender is performed. She maintains that gender is â€Å"an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts† (901). The stylised repetition of actions pertains to bodily movements that are socially approved for men and women. Bowie notes the social production of queens: â€Å"She's an old-time ambassador/Of sweet talking, night walking games/And she's known in the darkest clubs/For pushing ahead of the dames†

Friday, January 31, 2020

Food And Wine Tourism in Newzealnd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Food And Wine Tourism in Newzealnd - Essay Example So, in order to enlighten the importance of Special Interest Tourism, this paper talks about â€Å"Food and Wine tourism† in New Zealand. Special interest tourism It is the type of tourism that involves tourist’s holiday choice that is totally inspired and influenced by their specific motivation and desire. There are different forms of special interest tourism, like education, beauty, sports, food, cultural and entertainment (Cook 2007, pp.63). Different countries have different specialties, for example Dubai is famous for its shopping, and New Zealand, Australia, and Turkey are famous for their food. Read defined specific interest tourism as â€Å"The travel for people who are going somewhere because they have a particular interest that can be pursued in a particular region or at a particular destination. It is the hub around which the total travel experience is planned and developed†. (Ritchie, Carr, & Cooper 2003, pp. 28) Food and Wine tourism The special inte rest tourism that has been selected for this paper is â€Å"Food and Wine tourism† in New Zealand. The food and wine do not mean mere eating and drinking, but are related to the respective country’s culture and heritage. ... es of specialist food production regions are the primary motivating factors for travel.†(Buhalis & Costa, 2006) Food is directly related to a country’s heritage, culture, and traditions. Food is considered to be a major component of tourism, whatsoever is the type of tourism; food always acts as a tourist attraction. So, intentionally or unintentionally, the tourists are always seeking excellent quality food and wine when they are on their holidays. Wine tourism Today, wine is making quite a large business for the last few years. Wine production has been increased at a massive level in different countries like New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Europe, and this has resulted in development of the tourism industry in the respective countries. Moreover, â€Å"wine tourism is a subcategory of food tourism, which implies visit for specific high-quality vine to vineries, vineyards and restaurants to a country. The wine tourism also includes visit to the wine festivals in a pa rticular country†. (Buhalis & Costa, 2006) Food and wine tourism does not mean a trip to a restaurant; rather it is the desire to taste and experience a particular type of food or a special traditional cuisine can act as a motivator to travel across the home country (Thach, 2007). Food and wine tourism characteristics and typologies Food and wine tourism is flourishing due to a number of reasons around the world. The most important and predominant reason of promoting the food and wine tourism is to improve economic growth. Moreover, food and wine tourism has gained attention due to increased interest in the other country’s societal values, environmental interest, and their culture. Today, many people and countries are showing interest in dining and cooking, subsequently which has resulted in an

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Binswangers Disease :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Binswanger's Disease Even though I knew my grandmother for 17 years before she died my mother told me that I had never met her. According to her my grandmother had not been "herself" for years because the affects of her advanced age had basically destroyed the person she once was and turner her into a living zombie. Although humans live an average of 85 years, things such as memory loss and lack of motor control can completely change a person and in a way kill her years before she dies. Vascular Dementia has the same general symptoms as "old age" only it typically occurs in younger people. Binswanger's Disease is a specific type of vascular dementia, probably the most common form, which affects people at approximately age 60. Most people diagnosed with this disease do not live past five years of its onset(1). Currently, not much is known about Binswanger's Disease; in many ways it resembles various other neurological disorders making it difficult to diagnose. The trademark of this disease is damage to th e blood vessels in the deep white matter of the brain(1),(4),(5). The pons, basal ganglia, and thalamus are typical sites for these lesions(5),(7). A Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan is one of the most reliable ways to see this damage(5),(6). However, with outward symptoms such as depression, strokes, and disease of heart valves(1),(2),(3),(5) an MRI is not typically one of the first diagnostic tool used and the disease proceeds unchecked. My original thought surrounding Binswanger's Disease related to my mother's opinion of my grandmother; the people with the disease became different people due to the changes in their brains. In other words, one of the physical changes that takes place in the brain must somehow affect the victim's I-function effectually transforming him or her into a different individual. From the point of view that brain equals behavior and there is nothing else this analysis made logical sense. However, it seemed like a very simplistic summary of the disease's effects, and after deeper investigation into the course of the disease I realized that the answer would not be so easy. One of the facts I uncovered is that occasionally victims will partially recover and stabilize for a period of time, thus reverting to their pre-Binswanger's Disease selves(1),(5). So the I-function cannot, most probably, be destroyed in these instances since the victims return to their original behavior, even though their br ains have undergone alterations. Binswanger's Disease :: Biology Essays Research Papers Binswanger's Disease Even though I knew my grandmother for 17 years before she died my mother told me that I had never met her. According to her my grandmother had not been "herself" for years because the affects of her advanced age had basically destroyed the person she once was and turner her into a living zombie. Although humans live an average of 85 years, things such as memory loss and lack of motor control can completely change a person and in a way kill her years before she dies. Vascular Dementia has the same general symptoms as "old age" only it typically occurs in younger people. Binswanger's Disease is a specific type of vascular dementia, probably the most common form, which affects people at approximately age 60. Most people diagnosed with this disease do not live past five years of its onset(1). Currently, not much is known about Binswanger's Disease; in many ways it resembles various other neurological disorders making it difficult to diagnose. The trademark of this disease is damage to th e blood vessels in the deep white matter of the brain(1),(4),(5). The pons, basal ganglia, and thalamus are typical sites for these lesions(5),(7). A Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan is one of the most reliable ways to see this damage(5),(6). However, with outward symptoms such as depression, strokes, and disease of heart valves(1),(2),(3),(5) an MRI is not typically one of the first diagnostic tool used and the disease proceeds unchecked. My original thought surrounding Binswanger's Disease related to my mother's opinion of my grandmother; the people with the disease became different people due to the changes in their brains. In other words, one of the physical changes that takes place in the brain must somehow affect the victim's I-function effectually transforming him or her into a different individual. From the point of view that brain equals behavior and there is nothing else this analysis made logical sense. However, it seemed like a very simplistic summary of the disease's effects, and after deeper investigation into the course of the disease I realized that the answer would not be so easy. One of the facts I uncovered is that occasionally victims will partially recover and stabilize for a period of time, thus reverting to their pre-Binswanger's Disease selves(1),(5). So the I-function cannot, most probably, be destroyed in these instances since the victims return to their original behavior, even though their br ains have undergone alterations.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The life history anthropological perspective

An interview I had with my brother turned out to be very unusual that is to my surprise it was, for me, a new revelation of his inner self. The whole session became personal and sensitive. I came to know a new person, whom I did not know earlier, in him. That is about his condition and experiences of having muscular dystrophy. His perils and his optimistic views, in spite of struggling with the disabilities. It was astonishing to learn that after my thoughts of how I know him so well because he is my brother, there are still a lot of things that I do not know about him. This interview has definitely introduced me to a new person in my brother. The life history anthropological perspective At the age of 6, he was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. The diagnosing of this situation in him was a hard one for mother to accept. She had always kept this factor to her heart and made sure he never even feel that he was sick. She tried and the rhythm of his routine was as normal as anyone else of the same age. At the same time the frustration of not being able to do whatever he wanted made him angry at everything in the beginning. He slowly began to realize that he could still have nice feelings. And that is where he could still try to do everything what the other kids did. The dramatic end they had was often embarrassing but he found them to be great fun. This concept of having fun in the awesome and dramatic eventualities of an other ways routine for a kid of his age seems to me as the first step of his finding the life meaning full. The perils of his condition took deeply toll of him. Its true that I have seen most of him in my life, this interview gave me a new perspective of him. The high school, like any other kid, was interesting to him. The presence of his brother was a solace. Brother had to live two years earlier than he did. That was the time he felt bad about the saying â€Å"Oh, yet defend me, friends; I am but hurt†. (Alexander, p 1071) He even thought at the end of his high school that the high school was waste of time. I have a strong feeling that the lack of friends, after having to sit with older kids when his brother was there, made him lonelier than one could ever feel. A pretty librarian’s company was too limited an entertainment for boy of that age. His mindset, by the time he left the high school, might have greatly been influenced by the fact that he was a disabled, unlike other kids. It can be termed as the greatest disaster that happened in his life with the unhealthy Physical condition he suffered from. Having met death face to face with pneumonia at the age of 23, he realizes the need of living life to the fullest. However this realization seems to be the positive out put completely derived from the life threatening situations he went through. I would say it was a therapeutic experience for the both of us because somehow after that interview, he felt good having to share all his thoughts and feelings to someone who he can trust and depend on. In addition, for me I felt as if something good and special came out of it – within my self as a person and between the both of us and our relationship as family. From the first question alone, I was really dazed that he was willing to open up like that with regards to his diagnosis and learning from the doctors that he would not be able to live to see his twentieth year. His courage and strength really shows up by how he handles and is still handling his condition. His openness to me, freely sharing the inner most feelings of his struggles, was really to be considered as an advantage to me because we had an intimacy of being the same family. My brother was open to the entire experience. It was not difficult to convince him to go through with a personal interview with me. He actually enjoyed it because he knew he was helping me out and he really liked the idea of reflecting on past events and experiences that he had in his life. He prides me with joy knowing that he is not the kind of person who gives up. He was able to defeat his worries and fears and still made great efforts to do what most children did at his age from very early in his life. The interview has greatly changed our relationship as siblings. First, we know we have gotten closer because now I feel like I have evaded the person in him that I did not know all these years. My brother has opened up as new person himself. The moral of the  Story is that it has developed in me a sense of self-acceptance. The conversation with him has taught me to accept and take things as they come.   Brushing aside all the limitations, he has the confidence to tell me that that there are a lot of things to do and that he wanted to live his life to the fullest makes me look at myself and rethink what my problems are and what my mindset was. The world we live in has a lot more problems for its people. A lot of people complain about things, just like the poor boy complaining that ‘I have no shoes, I have no shoes.’ Until, he saw a man with no legs. If we as normal people complain about our lives and not having to succeed in situations where we want to accomplish many tasks, I guess we should think about those who unwillingly have disabilities, such as muscular dystrophy. My brother’s out look towards life was one of great self-esteem and acceptance but the conversation gave me great cultural insight as compassionate side, in me sparked off like a matchstick. Everything that he said I took note off and from them I draw my inspiration in reinventing my life, and am compassionate in my society. I took note of his words as he said you’d never be able to make anyone else happy if you can’t look at yourself in the mirror and be happy at what you see. Reference Alexander, Peter (1985) A book on complete works of Shakespeare. English language book society.      

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

How to Create Quick Chapter Outlines for School

When you read a chapter in a textbook from beginning to end, it’s easy to get swept away in a sea of details and overlook the main ideas. If you’re short on time, you might not even be able to make it through the entire chapter. By creating an outline, you’ll be sifting through the information strategically and efficiently.  Outlining helps you to focus on the most important points and gloss over excess detail. When you make an outline, you’re effectively creating an exam study guide in advance. If you put together a good outline, you won’t even have to return to your textbook when exam time arrives. Reading assignments don’t have to feel like a dull slog. Creating an outline while you read will keep your brain stimulated and help you retain more information. To get started, follow this simple outlining process next time you read a textbook chapter.​​ 1. Carefully Read the First Paragraph of the Chapter In the first paragraph, the author establishes a basic structure for the entire chapter. This paragraph tells you what topics will be covered and what some of the chapter’s main themes will be. It may also include key questions that the author plans to answer in this chapter. Make sure you read this paragraph slowly and carefully. Absorbing this information now will save you a lot of time later. 2. Carefully Read the Last Paragraph of the Chapter Yes, that’s right: you get to skip ahead! In the very last paragraph, the author sums up the chapter’s conclusions about the main topics and themes and may provide brief answers to some of the key questions raised in the first paragraph. Again, read slowly and carefully. 3. Write Down Every Heading After reading the first and last paragraphs, you should have a broad sense of the chapter’s content. Now, return to the beginning of the chapter and write down the title of each section heading. These will be the largest headings in the chapter and should be identifiable by a big, bold font or bright color. These headings reflect the chapter’s main topics and/or themes. 4. Write Down Every Subheading Now its time to head back to the beginning of the chapter. Repeat the process from Step 3, but this time, write down the subheadings beneath every section heading.  The subheadings reflect the main points the author will make about each topic and/or theme covered in the chapter. 5. Read the First and Last Paragraph of Every Subheading Section, and Make Notes Are you sensing a theme yet? The first and last paragraphs of each subheading section typically contain that section’s most important content. Record that content in your outline. Don’t worry about using complete sentences; write in whatever style is easiest for you to understand. 6. Read the First and Last Sentence of Every Paragraph, and Make Notes Return to the beginning of the chapter. This time, read the first and last sentence of every paragraph. This process should reveal significant details that might not be included elsewhere in the chapter. Write down the important details you find in each subheading section of your outline. 7. Quickly Skim the Chapter, Looking for Bold Terms and/or Statements For the final time, flip through the entire chapter, skimming each paragraph for terms or statements that the author emphasizes with bold or highlighted text. Read each one and record it in the proper section in your outline. Remember, every textbook is a little different and may require a slightly modified outlining process. For example, if your textbook includes introductory paragraphs beneath every section heading, make a point of reading those in full and including a few notes in your outline. Your textbook might also include a table of contents at the beginning of each chapter, or better yet, a chapter summary or review.  When you finish your outline, you can double check your work by comparing it to these sources. You’ll be able to make sure your outline isn’t missing any of the major points highlighted by the author. At first, it might seem strange to skip over sentences. (â€Å"How can I understand the content if I dont read all of it?†) Counterintuitive though it may feel, this outlining process is a simpler, faster strategy for understanding what you read. By starting with a broad view of the chapter’s main points, you’ll be able to better comprehend (and retain) details and their significance. Plus, if you have extra time, you can always go back and read every line in the chapter from beginning to end. You’ll probably be surprised by how well you already know the material.